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KubeCon EU '23: Open Source Releases

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Published on April 21, 2023
Author Andrew Martin

The banner for KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Europe 2023. Blue logos for the respective events, Europe 2023, and the dates 18 - 21 April. The background features a blue sky, white clouds, a simple colourful pin-wheel to the left and similarly styled tulips and pin-wheel shapes to the right.

This year at KubeCon we have the pleasure of open sourcing a variety of cloud native security tooling, representing thousands of hours of thought and build time! We’re excited to reveal the immediate release of:

And pending the relevant talks to announce it:

  • Kubernetes for SOC (coming next week!): a set of threat libraries focused on security operations centres for highly regulated and sensitive environments

If you’d like to discuss features or enterprise support of any of our Open Source tooling, arrange a call with our technical leaders.