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Isovalent and ControlPlane's Joint Whitepaper

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Published on April 25, 2024
Author By Ollie Cuffley-Hur & Martyn Smith

A white banner with the title text “Mastering Cilium for Kubernetes Compliance” alongside the Kubernetes logo. At the top of the banner are the Isovalent and ControlPlane company logos indicating their partnership on the whitepaper (sharing the same name as the banner title).

To launch our advisory partnership, ControlPlane teamed up with Isovalent to explore one of the key challenges affecting our customers: compliance. Specifically, how the rapidly evolving world of cloud native security not only works with but improves the rigorous management of controls required in highly regulated industries.

ControlPlane and Isovalent have a long history of collaborating together to bring together community, innovation, and democratise best practices within the Cloud Native community. Through independent events and larger gatherings, such as various KubeCons over the years, we aim to empower practitioners with the tools needed to better understand and protect their environments.

This whitepaper is a natural overlap of expertise, with Isovalent as the creators and maintainers of Cilium and eBPF, and ControlPlane as the recognized experts linking understanding to implementation for modern platform engineering and compliance in Kubernetes environments. Engineers, consultants and product managers from across both organisations came together to explore concrete compliance use cases for Cilium and help our customers and the wider community to more closely align their engineering functions with the regulatory frameworks they are subject to.

The full whitepaper is available to download, and begins by introducing the Cilium ecosystem (including Hubble and Tetragon) before diving into some examples of how these tools can be used to meet specific controls in the NIST SP 800-53r5 publication. We chose NIST 800-53 because of its wide applicability and use within the information security industry and the examples in this whitepaper can be applied to other compliance/regulatory frameworks that may be relevant to your organisation (e.g. PCI DSS, GDPR or ISO27001).

If you want to know more about how ControlPlane can help with compliance in the cloud native world, please get in touch.