ControlPlane at KubeCon EU Paris ‘24 - Recap

- 💻 Conference Overview 💻
- 🔥 Isovalent FireSide Chat 🔥
- 🌐 Enterprise for Flux CD 🌐
- 🚩Capture The Flag Competition 🚩
- 🎈KubeCon Events 🎈
- 🗣️ControlPlane Talks 🗣️
💻 Conference Overview 💻
KubeCon EU is always a huge week, and this one was no exception.
Entering its second decade, this branch of the Linux Foundation is going strong. Walking the floor, seeing some talks, and speaking to delegates from all over, I came away with a real sense of maturity.
A strong sense that the community is interested in building compliance and governance, making it easy to audit and model the software supply chain, and an increased desire for security from the off or at least easy to apply to each organisation’s needs.
🔥 Isovalent FireSide Chat 🔥
I was incredibly fortunate to be on a fireside chat with Isovalent’s Chief Open Source Officer, Liz Rice. I was interested in her take on Cilium’s recent graduation and was incredibly excited to announce our joint white paper on NIST and other compliance frameworks in cloud-native environments.
This maturity extended throughout the conference from the keynote on — which didn’t descend into an AI-fest, but was an excited, yet measured, look into AI. I particularly liked the “irrational exuberance” warning.
🌐 Enterprise for Flux CD 🌐
Our support of the upstream Flux project through our release of Enterprise for Flux CD garnered huge amounts of attention, in particular, the sense that open source projects were growing up. Organisations are extremely keen to make the most of this innovative, foundational technology as long as it has the security and support that our enterprise offering brings! We are supporting the project by hiring core maintainers to work full-time on upstream Flux CD.
🚩 Capture The Flag Competition 🚩
Our CTF went off with a bang yet again this year! This is something we are extremely proud to support, and our teams put huge amounts of effort into making the 3 scenarios an engaging yet tricky hands-on deep dive into Kubernetes security. This year features our first Incident Response scenario, too! We also run these privately if you’d like to gain your teams with custom scenarios.
🎈 KubeCon Events 🎈
The after-parties are always massive at KubeCon, and a lot of fun was had — whether that was at House of Kube, where our very own Francesco Beltramini was DJing, Kuberoke, Isovalent’s Hive Mind, the booth crawl, or the rest!
🗣️ ControlPlane Talks 🗣️
Our talks were extremely well received — that’s not just me saying that! We had exceptional feedback and are greatly thankful to all our speakers. Check out the recordings here:
- I’ll Let Myself in Kubernetes Privilege Escalation Tactics - Iain Smart
- GitOps Continuous Delivery at Scale with Flux - Stefan Prodan
- Brewing the Kubernetes Storm Center: Open Source Threat Intelligence for the Cloud Native Ecosystem - Constanze Roedig, Technische Universität Wien & James Callaghan
- Keeping Kubernetes Safe: The Lowdown on Locked Namespaces - Marco De Benedictis
- Tackling Configuration Management at Scale with Flux, CUE and OCI at Cisco - Stefan Prodan
- Kubernetes MLSec: Securing AI in Space - Francesco Beltramini & James Callaghan
And ControlPlane can’t wait to see you all in Salt Lake City, Utah, for KubeCon NA 2024!